Clean Label Trend

clean label

Introduction In recent years, the clean label trend has become increasingly popular within the food sector. Driven by consumer demand, clean labelling encourages increasingly transparent and natural foodstuffs.  Clean labels typically have a minimal amount of easy-to-understand ingredients. Riboflavin, for example, might be presented under its popular name, Vitamin B2.  The Innocent brand has had…

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How many Restaurants and Cafes are there in the UK?


As of @DATA(spDataFoodHygiene[‘Today’]), there are @DATA(spDataFoodHygiene[‘CurrentTotal’]) restaurants and cafes in the UK that have an active food hygiene rating. This includes all types of restaurant, for example staff canteens. In the last 12 months, there were @DATA(spDataFoodHygiene[‘OpenedLast12Months’]) restaurants and cafes opened throughout the country. This averages @DATA(spDataFoodHygiene[‘AveragePerMonth’]) per month or @DATA(spDataFoodHygiene[‘AveragePerDay’]) per day. The impact…

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