Free Food Competitor Report

business analysis tool

Opening and maintaining a successful food business is difficult. There are many variables involved in a food business’s success, such as the quality of your competitors and the local food hygiene reputation. To tackle these factors, you should be as informed as possible. So, to help you on your way to understanding this external environment,…

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Choosing a Restaurant Location

choosing a restaurant location

Introduction While some people would believe that restaurant success is related solely to food quality, there are plenty of other contributing factors. Picking a suitable building and location can be crucial. In this article, we’re going to explore what you should consider when picking your restaurant location. Accessibility  Accessibility for all potential customers is key…

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Food Hygiene in Nurseries

food hygiene in nurseriess

Introduction There is some variation in the food hygiene guidelines for different types of early years care providers. Childminders, for example, do not require a food hygiene rating like nurseries. However, the principles remain largely the same; the differences are contextual. It is vital to understand why looking after four children in your home is…

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Start a Food Business from Home: A Guide

start a food business from home

Introduction With many food businesses closed during the pandemic, lockdown offered an opportunity for many of us to hone our culinary talents. Perhaps you had a moment of realisation, mid-banana bread, that all this food you’ve been making is pretty great and maybe you should look into selling some of it locally. The problem is…

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Food Hygiene Course FAQs

food hygiene course faqs

How can this article help me? Where the safety of your staff and customers are involved, food hygiene is a serious matter. However, the dense, scientific nature of food hygiene requirements often results in mass confusion. As such, to shed some light on food hygiene, we often publish helpful articles on topics such as food…

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Clean Label Trend

clean label

Introduction In recent years, the clean label trend has become increasingly popular within the food sector. Driven by consumer demand, clean labelling encourages increasingly transparent and natural foodstuffs.  Clean labels typically have a minimal amount of easy-to-understand ingredients. Riboflavin, for example, might be presented under its popular name, Vitamin B2.  The Innocent brand has had…

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Sustainable Food Production: A Guide

sustainable food production

Sustainability in Food Sustainability can be a bit of a buzzword these days, often floating around in the same conversations as ‘veganism’ and ‘climate change’. With these words often politicised, the subject of sustainability can be a little intimidating. However, sustainable food production is a relatively straightforward practice to follow. Moreover, it can be key…

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Food Safety Management Systems: An Overview

food safety management

What is a Food Safety Management System? A Food Safety Management System (FSMS) is a set of measures that a food business adheres to; it ensures the safety of the food which the staff prepares. Whilst the exact FSMS you employ as a food business is up to you, UK businesses have a legal requirement…

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How many Restaurants and Cafes are there in the UK?


As of @DATA(spDataFoodHygiene[‘Today’]), there are @DATA(spDataFoodHygiene[‘CurrentTotal’]) restaurants and cafes in the UK that have an active food hygiene rating. This includes all types of restaurant, for example staff canteens. In the last 12 months, there were @DATA(spDataFoodHygiene[‘OpenedLast12Months’]) restaurants and cafes opened throughout the country. This averages @DATA(spDataFoodHygiene[‘AveragePerMonth’]) per month or @DATA(spDataFoodHygiene[‘AveragePerDay’]) per day. The impact…

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Starting a Street Food Business

start a street food business

Introduction If you’re reading this article, you’ve likely been dreaming of a work-life away from the office. Maybe you have a culinary itch you really need to scratch. Well, you should know that starting a street food business is rewarding and challenging in equal measure.  As with the beginnings of any food business in the…

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